Why Empaths go beyond the point of burnout - and how to take care so you don't!
Be Inspired Tara Meyer-Robson Be Inspired Tara Meyer-Robson

Why Empaths go beyond the point of burnout - and how to take care so you don't!

✔️Do you feel guilty when you need to shut down for a while?

✔️Are you sometimes not even able to respond to a text, because that is energy you just don't have?

✔️Do you feel weird or weak when you need to hide in your room for a while - or a whole weekend - because you simply cannot take one more bit of stimulation?

✔️Is it almost impossible for you to stop helping, even when you KNOW you are on the way to burn out (or are already there)?

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Empaths, it's time to claim your truth.
Be Inspired Tara Meyer-Robson Be Inspired Tara Meyer-Robson

Empaths, it's time to claim your truth.

Empaths are experts at hiding our true selves.

We sit through violent movies with friends and try to act like it's all fine, but end up having nightmares about it later.

We stand up to bullies at school for other kids, making ourselves the target. And we try to act like it's not affecting us, but it's traumatizing. But we'd rather be the focus of the bully than allow another kid that we think can't take it be the one taking all the abuse.

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