Be Inspired Tara Meyer-Robson Be Inspired Tara Meyer-Robson

3 powerful actions to connect with your dreams

Attaining your dream life can seem impossible, especially if you’ve worked and worked and it’s just not happening.

But there is an easier way to connect with the life of your dreams, and it has nothing to do with how many times you’ve tried and “failed.”

It’s all about frequency and our connection with the creative force that is “the source" (you might call it God, Yahweh, Allah, the Goddess - it’s all the same).

So, here are my three tips for connecting with the dream life you KNOW you deserve:

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Attaining your dream life can seem impossible, especially if you’ve worked and worked and it’s just not happening.

But there is an easier way to connect with the life of your dreams, and it has nothing to do with how many times you’ve tried and “failed.”

It’s all about frequency and our connection with the creative force that is “the source" (you might call it God, Yahweh, Allah, the Goddess - it’s all the same).

So, here are my three tips for connecting with the dream life you KNOW you deserve:

Step 1: Believe in your connection to a higher power/source. Make choices that radiate the power within you that is always connected to - and part of - the power that creates.

We are all one, and I don’t mean that figuratively. We are one with the power that creates all that is in our world and universe and whatever is beyond that.

Science has proven that there is an underlying wave nature to reality that gives birth to everything we see, feel, experience, and anything else. It’s called quantum potential, and it’s truly just potential. It’s just wave until we interact with it and allow things to pop forth from our own personal choices and the frequency of those choices.

That means that you aren’t just sitting around for things to happen to you or not. It isn’t just a game of luck or fate. You are PART of the force that creates everything in the universe.

Looking at it that way, take that power seriously. Make all your choices with the awareness that you are literally helping to create that experience. Is that an experience that you want to create? Is it one that seems like it is in alignment with the life of your dreams? Is it in experience that uplifts the world? Or depletes it?

The choice is yours. The power is yours. Use it wisely.

Step 2: Take all actions based on the frequencies matching what you desire to bring into being.

Since we are all connected to and part of quantum potential at every moment, that also means that, under it all, we are waves floating around at our own frequency and affecting the frequency of the entire universe with the actions, words, and thoughts we send out.

The frequency of those things actually affects the entire universe and what you experience in your life.

Because of that, you aren’t separate from the life of your dreams. You aren’t separate from anything you desire in your life. You can’t be, because no wave is separate from all the other waves. It’s impossible to be disconnected.

So, when you think anything, it’s a radio signal that creates a frequency that either tunes you in to the life of your dreams, or away from it. When you speak, you are creating a vibration that either resonates with all the good you want in the world, or it resonates with negativity. When you take actions, they are either of the frequency that aligns you with the life of your dreams, or away from it.

If you want to shift the quality of your life, shift your thoughts, words, and actions to be in alignment with how you would feel if you had all of that in your life right now. How would you act if you were living the life of your dreams? What would you think? What would your life look like? How would you dress?

Take actions mindfully. Take actions that align with the way you want to feel when you are living the life of your dreams. Take actions that align with how you want the world to be.

Do that over and over and you ARE aligning with the life you desire. The more you align, the more things pop into being in your life that show you that you are on the right path.

Step 3: Believe that the life you desire is already in reality, because it is. Stay steadfast in that belief. Let it flow into being however it chooses to.

One thing that I struggle with is allowing enough room in my personal goals to allow experiences that may be different than what I thought I wanted, but are, more often than not, even better.

I get an idea in my head that the life of my dreams HAS to look like this or feel like that or be like this exact thing.

You (I) gotta let go of that.

You have to set your intentions and take your actions in alignment with the general frequency of what you desire, then allow enough room to RECEIVE experiences that match that. If you are always focused on only ONE thing being THE thing, then there is no room for the universe/quantum potential/the source/a higher power to bring in things that match that frequency (and might be even more awesome!), but aren’t that exact thing.

So, sometimes stop doing. Stop focusing on only that one thing. Take a breath and know that when you align your thoughts, words, actions, and emotions with the life you desire, your desires are being co-created with the source by you and with you. They may not look exactly as you thought they would, but if you allow them, they will be exactly what you really wanted.

If you’d like to dive deeper into this, I will be opening my Manifest Your Dream Life Academy this week; it will to be totally free - it’s my gift to help more and more people raise their own frequency, life the life of their dreams, and raise the frequency of the whole world so our whole world is living better, too.

Sign up below:

If you’d like to dive in right now and pinpoint any unconscious beliefs that are tuning you into negative patterns, pain, and disease, grab my award-winning book now!

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Breaking Negative Patterns: Why It’s So Freaking Hard

From attracting the same kind of negative relationships over and over to trying to quit smoking, breaking negative patterns can seem almost impossible to do. Worse, once you go back to your old ways yet again, you may feel like you are a hopeless case with no willpower.

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“I just can't break this habit.”

“I said I would never get myself into a relationship like this again, but here I am!”

“I try and try to do something different, but I just can’t stick with it.”

“I’ve been doing so great on my diet, why did I need to eat a donut at 3pm today?”

If you have ever tried to break a negative pattern, you may have said many of these same things. From attracting the same kind of negative relationships over and over to trying to quit smoking, breaking negative patterns can seem almost impossible to do. Worse, once you go back to your old ways yet again, you may feel like you are a hopeless case with no willpower.

The good news is that you are not hopeless and it isn’t because you lack willpower.

Rather, most negative patterns are simply because of a preprogrammed response in your mind that reacts to an outside trigger, causing you to repeat the same action again and again. 

Blame it on your remote control. (Your mental one, anyway.) 

It’s a lot like setting a favorite TV station on your remote control. Let’s say you love the Discovery Channel, so you decide to set that station as the first button in your favorites. What’s going to happen if you push that first button again? Obviously, you will tune right into the Discovery Channel.

Now, let’s say you decide you'd like to watch the History Channel, but you push the first button again. What’s going to happen?

Not too hard of a question, right? You'll tune into the Discovery Channel.

Would you scream, cry, and give up because you didn’t tune into the History Channel? Not likely. What you'd be more likely do is look down and realize you pushed the wrong button for the desired result (to tune into the History Channel).

Yeah, that's all well and good with a TV remote, but...

Obviously, this is simple to figure out when it's a remote control, but it isn’t so obvious when you say you want to change but keep tuning into the same old patterns. Just like pushing the favorite button on your remote, when a specific “trigger” outside of you occurs, your “internal TV” wants to tune you into the same old program - in this case, an old habit, experience, or pattern. When the same thing happens again—even when you consciously have tried to break the pattern—you may find yourself frustrated, sad, or hopeless.

However, just as you would have to reset your favorite button on your remote to tune into a different channel, until you retune that trigger (mental "favorites" button) to react a different way, you will not get a different outcome. 

The message? If you are repeating patterns in your life even when you are trying to change, give yourself a break. You are reacting from habit due to unconscious programming. Now that you know that, you can learn how to change the programming and succeed in breaking the negative pattern.

If you are ready to get to the underlying programming and finally retune your bad habits and negative patterns, grab your copy of my book, The Flow: 40 Days to Total Life Transformation!

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Better Relationships Tara Meyer-Robson Better Relationships Tara Meyer-Robson

5 Steps to Finding Your Soulmate Now

Do you dream of finding your soulmate, but don’t know how - or if - it will happen for you? 

I was in the same spot a few years ago. I had a pattern of unfulfilling relationships filled with stress, fighting, and jealousy, and was sick of repeating the same mistakes and never finding unconditional love.

So, I took some time to complete the steps below, and - to my amazement - I found my soulmate (and now husband of over 12 years) almost magically.



Do you dream of finding your soulmate, but don’t know how - or if - it will happen for you? 

I was in the same spot a few years ago. I had a pattern of unfulfilling relationships filled with stress, fighting, and jealousy, and was sick of repeating the same mistakes and never finding unconditional love.

So, I took some time to complete the steps below, and - to my amazement - I found my soulmate (and now husband of over 12 years) almost magically.


Step #1: Leave any non-soulmate relationship now.

If you are in a relationship now that you know is not “the one,” it’s time to take the plunge and end it. One of the most powerful and important things I did was end my first engagement; not an easy decision, but one that I know was vital to eventually meeting my soulmate. 

How do you know the person you are with is not your soulmate? Well, if you are reading this article, that is a pretty good indicator - if you thought you already found him or her, you wouldn’t be here. 

Another way to know is to listen to your gut instinct. Ask yourself, “Is this person my soulmate?” Really listen. Notice the response in your body - you will feel a “yes” or “no” answer.

If it is “no,” you need to let him or her go. Now. 


Step #2: Form a clear picture of what you want.

Have you ever really sat down and thought about what a soulmate would be for you? For each of us, it is a different answer - and it is critical that you have a clear picture of that person so that he or she may begin connecting with you now.

If you don’t have a clear picture, it’s like trying to hit a target while blind-folded - you don’t have a very good chance of doing it. However, when you think through what you truly want in a relationship, that target comes easily into focus. 


Step #3: Work on forgiving old wounds.

Have you been hurt in the past? When you think about old relationships, do you still feel the sting of pain or rejection like it was yesterday? If so, you need to do some work to forgive.

By carrying around old, unresolved wounds, the old pain ties you to the past and will also block you from opening yourself completely to another person. In addition, you may even repeat the same pattern, because that is what your mind is unconsciously set to seek. 

None of that is going to help you find your soulmate. Think about the people you still need to forgive and work on doing so to free yourself from the past and find your soulmate.


Step #4: Relish aloneness.

If you are one of those people that hates being alone and jumps from one relationship to the next, please listen up! Being alone - and enjoying the experience - is critical to finding your soulmate.

When I broke my first engagement, I took the time to really find myself and do things that I enjoyed doing just because I felt like it. This is a truly freeing experience that helps you to build the self-respect and awareness you need in order to love unconditionally and be unconditionally loved.  

In helping many people find their soulmates, this always seems to be a critical ingredient  that creates the perfect mindset to find your perfect match. So, go enjoy yourself by yourself! 


Step #5: Wait with openness and expectation.

Waiting and wondering if your soulmate will ever show up is tough, no doubt. However, I have seen it time and time again: you must wait with the expectation that your soulmate is being connected to you in the present moment. 

Instead of worrying, mentally prepare yourself for that moment when you meet. Reinforce your desire by going back to your list of soulmate qualities and reading them daily, making sure you have forgiven old hurts, and enjoying being alone. 

By taking these steps, you can know that you have created the perfect mindset to connect with your soulmate.


Want help bringing your soulmate into focus? If you are ready to begin tuning into your soulmate, there is never a better time to get going than now! Get the incredible Soulmate meditation (below) for just $9.99! 

The meditation, which is over 45 minutes long, is an instant download, so you can begin connecting with your soulmate right away. 

Here's to finding your soulmate now! 


Are you sick and tired of the same old disappointing, frustrating, and exhausting relationships? Are you ready to find your one true love? 

This meditation is designed to help you to tune in to the one that your heart is meant for. 

But be warned - it's a powerful one! Finding your soulmate may result in:

  • Feelings of euphoria, acceptance, and unconditional love
  • Contentment and joy
  • Sudden, incredible shifts in your life
  • A new understanding of how awesome a relationship should be

If you want to keep dealing with relationships that are a whole lot of pointless work, then this is not the meditation for you. 

However, if you want to finally feel like you've found your other half, that all of your life before this finally makes sense, and like you have an incredible life ahead of you with the one you truly love (and who truly loves the whole you), then you will want to get this meditation immediately! 

It's an instant download, so you can begin tuning in to your soulmate TODAY! 

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5 Ways to Get More Energy Right Now

Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Would you like to feel more excitement, passion, and joy in life? Do you just simply desire more energy in your day?

Here are some simple tips you can implement right now to see an immediate impact on your energy levels.


Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Would you like to feel more excitement, passion, and joy in life? Do you just simply desire more energy in your day?

I think we all do. In fact, with all that we do and strive to accomplish every single day, it is extremely difficult to not get run-down and worn out every so often. 

For many of us, our response to our exhaustion is to grab a seriously over-caffeinated drink and to keep on going, jitters and all. (Believe me, I have done this myself!) However, there are many easy-to-do methods to rekindle your inner fire – and naturally get more energy in your body, mind, and life.

Here are some simple tips you can implement right now to see an immediate impact on your energy levels.

Energy Tip #1: Take time to focus on the things that you are grateful for.

Do you go through your day feeling beaten up by life? Have you been overworking with little appreciation for all that you do each day? If so, it is easy to get stuck in a negative mindset – expecting that only negative thing will happen to you, and wearing out your mental state with a total focus on the bad things that seem to happen each day. However, the truth of the matter is that you have many things to be grateful for – you just need to notice them.

To do this, simply take a blank notebook or journal and designate it your “gratitude journal.” Then, each and every day, write down 5 things that you are grateful for that day.

What you will likely find in doing this simple little exercise is that you have a lot more to be grateful for in your life than you may have thought – and you will also begin to retrain your focus to see the positive that is happening in your life. When your mind is convinced that you do have good things happening in your life, you will feel less burdened – and that always allows you to have more positive energy!

Energy Tip #2: Surround yourself with images of people that you love.

How do you feel when you are with those that you love? How about when you come home from a hard day and see your spouse or partner, children, or pets? 

I am willing to bet that you feel energized – the worries of the day seem a bit farther away. So, bring that positive energy right in to your workspace! Make sure that you have pictures of the people or animals that you love, and take time to look at them throughout the day. When you do, simply say to yourself, “I am grateful for your presence in my life,” and allow that feeling of love and gratitude to flow over you. 

Energy Tip #3: Compliment someone. 

Pay attention to those around you, and offer an authentic compliment to someone. Offering a little joy to others always makes their day, and it makes your day, too. Try it and see how much better you feel by giving out a little goodness to others! 

Energy Tip #4: Get away negative people.

Really. Now. We all understand that being with negative, critical people is nothing but trouble for not only our energy levels, but for creating a better life. After all, the more that you are tuned in to a negative frequency, the more negativity you will bring in to your life. 

It is for your best that you limit your interaction with negative people. Find ways to avoid those that are negative, and to be with those that are positive – and notice how much better you feel as a result!

Energy Tip #5: Dream.

What do you really want to do or be? Take 5 minutes to write down exactly what you really desire in your life, and then visualize yourself doing and being that very thing. Make this experience as real as possible, imaging every detail, such as what you will be wearing, how you will feel, what others will be saying or doing, any scents or smells that will be part of this experience, and anything else you think would make the experience real for you. 

After you are done, notice the amount of energy in your body – it is truly amazing what just a few minutes of dreaming will do for you! Better yet, every time that you do this, you tune your mind in to this very reality, allowing that experience to flow right to you! 

Do you have other tips that help you to get more energy when you are feeling low? Please share them with me! 

Did this article help you? Please spread the love and share it on Facebook, Twitter, or to friends. (HUGS) in advance for sharing! 

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Free chemo + Radiation meditation 

Designed for use during chemo and radiation, with the intent that the medicine will go to where it is needed, and stay away from where it is not.

Download now + get signed up for weekly tips, inspiration, and help. ❤️

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