Why it’s important to get both medical AND energetic support to heal:
I’d been having severe low back pain for about 6 weeks.
Being a medical intuitive, I knew it had to do with my own support for my creative projects.
I’d worked on it from a mind-body standpoint…
But…If I am honest…
I wasn’t taking care of myself.
I wasn’t giving myself the support I needed to heal it.
I was *trying* to work on it without *really* working on it.

What's the Spiritual Meaning of Left Side Pain?
Today, I am answering a question I get asked a lot: What is the spiritual meaning of left side pain?

The Mind-Body Reason the Pandemic is Giving You SO Many Headaches
Have you had more headaches since this pandemic started? Have you wondered if there's a connection?
I can tell you that there definitely is! The specific type of headache pain you are experiencing can tell you a lot about what your body is trying to tell you in how you feel about the pandemic and any other stressors in your life.