You are already connected to all you desire.
Be Inspired, Be Fearless, Be Confident Tara Meyer-Robson Be Inspired, Be Fearless, Be Confident Tara Meyer-Robson

You are already connected to all you desire.

It's so hard to not get pulled into the world of comparing yourself, you life, and your success to others, particularly in the social media world. We look and all we see are the ways in which our lives are lacking, connecting ourselves with a constant stream of sadness, fear, and even self-loathing.

The truth is that we are connected to all we desire in this world, if only we look within and connect with that creative power within ourselves.

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6 Critical Questions to Ask Before You Screw Up Your Life (or Feel Like You Have)
Be Inspired, Be Confident, Be Fearless, Be Healed Tara Meyer-Robson Be Inspired, Be Confident, Be Fearless, Be Healed Tara Meyer-Robson

6 Critical Questions to Ask Before You Screw Up Your Life (or Feel Like You Have)

You know that old adage, “Hindsight is 20/20”? 

If you’ve ever made a decision which you later regretted, you’ll deeply understand what this means (and may have heard it from more than a few well-meaning people). Faced with the result of a bad choice, you likely grumbled, “If I’d only known then what I know now, I’d never have done it!”

These 6 critical questions will help you avoid major pitfalls, wastes of time, and regrets and help you choose things that are in alignment with the life you desire.

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3 Ways to Stay Motivated - Part 1: Take Control of One Thing at a Time
Be Inspired Tara Meyer-Robson Be Inspired Tara Meyer-Robson

3 Ways to Stay Motivated - Part 1: Take Control of One Thing at a Time

So, you have decided to restore your health, find love, build a more successful business, or change your life. Awesome! You do research, come up with a plan, get all jazzed up and get going. It all goes great for a little while, until you hit a bump in the road - maybe a life emergency comes screaming in, maybe you get sicker, maybe you just aren’t seeing the results you were hoping for from your efforts.

And that is where you hit the wall - the motivation goes out the window, and you fall right back into your old ways. 

So, how can you avoid this fate? How do you take it all in stride for the long haul so that you can have the success story you dream of? 

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Be Inspired Tara Meyer-Robson Be Inspired Tara Meyer-Robson

3 Ways to Stay Motivated - Part 2: Take an Ax to Your "Big Issue"

Here’s the thing: Real, long-term change rarely happens overnight, and it certainly doesn’t happen on big issues. In order to profoundly change a major issue in your life, you need to actually change the neural pathways that are creating the problem. To do that, you need to set up a plan for success and then take actions every single day for 40 days to “retune” your mind into a new reality. 
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