How Could Kindness Change the World?
I woke up this morning with one thought on my mind: What if each of us chose kindness all day today?
Kindness to ourselves.
Kindness to others.
Kindness to our children.
Kindness to strangers.
Kindness in our thoughts.
Kindness in our words.
Kindness in our actions.
What if?

Random Act of Kindness - I'm giving away an hour of mind-body coaching!
Doing a Random Act of Kindness each day can change the world - and your life! My RAOK today is to give away an hour's time... could you use an hour of free mind-body coaching? Write me and let me know why, and you might be the recipient of a lot of goodwill!

A Random Act of Kindness a Day to Change Myself and the World
I've decided to do a Random Act of Kindness a day to focus on changing the world, one small action at a time. I'd love it if you'd join me!