3 Ways to Stay Motivated - Part 1: Take Control of One Thing at a Time
So, you have decided to restore your health, find love, build a more successful business, or change your life. Awesome! You do research, come up with a plan, get all jazzed up and get going. It all goes great for a little while, until you hit a bump in the road - maybe a life emergency comes screaming in, maybe you get sicker, maybe you just aren’t seeing the results you were hoping for from your efforts.
And that is where you hit the wall - the motivation goes out the window, and you fall right back into your old ways.
So, how can you avoid this fate? How do you take it all in stride for the long haul so that you can have the success story you dream of?

How to Not Give Up When You Are Stuck
We’ve all been there: You are working and working at something––a business idea, a project, a fitness goal, adopting a child, whatever––and you hit a brick wall in your progress. Maybe someone shoots down your business idea. Perhaps you get writer’s block. Maybe you stop seeing progress in your weight loss goals.
Right then and there, you consider giving up.
If it was important enough for you to start going after it, then it’s important enough for you to keep going after it.