Is the Season the Reason for Your Pain?
Traumas are stored in our bodies.
When we don’t fully deal with them at the time, they resurface during the anniversary of the trauma.
We may not consciously remember the date, but the subconscious does.
And the body starts talking, trying to get your attention for healing that needs to be done - emotionally, energetically, and then physically.
Sometimes the season is the reason for your pain.
If you’ve been dealing with out-of-the blue pain, strange symptoms, or unexpected flare ups of disease, it might be a trigger from holidays gone by.

Even Perfect Women Have a Breaking Point: How to Give Yourself a Break Before You Fall Apart
I ripped the leg off my Barbie as a child.
This confession comes with a caveat: It was an accident. I was simply trying to see how flexible she was and kept clicking the leg back until “crack!” - it just came off.
As it turns out, even the “perfect woman” has a breaking point.

How to Feel Safe: Dealing With Anxiety by Creating Your Own Security and Peace of Mind
Perhaps the greatest stress you will ever face is the impression that you can't protect yourself from life itself.
I have certainly had moments like this. A few years ago my husband and I went through two hurricanes, completing renovations on our house, putting it on the market, a cross-country move, and the death of my beloved grandmother all in a four week period (actually, all but one hurricane happened in one week). I have never been so stressed out in my life, and I began to notice that I was constantly looking over my shoulder, waiting for the next disaster to happen.

How to Feel Safe: Dealing With Anxiety by Creating Your Own Security and Peace of Mind
While you may feel that you cannot protect yourself, this is never true. As the co-creator of your life, you have the ability to create your own security and your own safe space, even in threatening situations. After all, the more that you identify a particular situation (or all of life) with the expectation, “I am not safe,” the more that you will trigger a fight or flight response in your body.