Be Confident, Be Fearless Tara Meyer-Robson Be Confident, Be Fearless Tara Meyer-Robson

Believing in Your Worth: The Secret to Finally Feeling Worthy of the Success, Love, and Joy You Desire

Think of someone who you consider to be very successful, perhaps someone that you strive to be more like. Do you think that you are equal to them? Do you think that you deserve the same success that they do? You should, but you probably don’t. You likely assume that they must be made of something intrinsically better than you are, and this allows them to be more deserving of success and abundance. But here’s the thing: Everything in the entire world is made of particles, and all particles are exactly the same. They are a lot like the legos of the universe; particles make up your body, stars in the sky, the chair you are sitting on - everything. This means that at a particle level, the people you admire are made of the exact same building blocks that you are.

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