How to Put Down Things You are Not Supposed to Carry
Be Inspired Tara Meyer-Robson Be Inspired Tara Meyer-Robson

How to Put Down Things You are Not Supposed to Carry

Mantra for 2023: PUT IT DOWN.

For a lot of us, carrying everyone else's stresses and pain and worries is a way of life.

It's so automatic that we don't even notice it happening, until we start having shoulder pain…

And aren’t sleeping well…

And feel completely keyed up all the time. 

I find that this is particularly hard for empaths…

We are trained to look for solutions to people's pain and suffering.

We WANT to make it stop.

We WANT to help.

And that's amazing! 

But, if we don't know where we end and the other person begins, it becomes a problem.

A BIG problem.

We end up unknowingly carrying a big ol' backpack filled with other people's stuff.

Read more to find out how to put down things you aren’t supposed to carry…

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As an empath, you feel the emotions of the world as your own.
Be Inspired Tara Meyer-Robson Be Inspired Tara Meyer-Robson

As an empath, you feel the emotions of the world as your own.

One of the most difficult and debilitating things about being an empath is that you feel other's emotions as your own; it can be extremely difficult to be able to tell whether it's your emotion you're feeling or others emotions from around you.

You'll also notice that there are times when you wake up and just feel amped, worried, anxious, and on high alert. There won't be anything in your immediate world that's particularly disturbing, so it's hard to figure out why in the world you feel so "off."

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5 Ridiculous Myths About Being an Empath
Empath Help Tara Meyer-Robson Empath Help Tara Meyer-Robson

5 Ridiculous Myths About Being an Empath

Like any group of people, stereotypes and myths abound about Empaths. Because of these myths, I get many questions from unaware Empaths who don't believe in there sensitive nature because they don't fit into these stereotypes.

Common questions are: 

  • I think I might be an Empath, but I'm not an introvert. Does that mean I'm not one?
  • I've heard Empaths are generally depressed. I'm highly sensitive but also super happy; I guess I'm not one then?
  • I'm very logical, but I hear that most Empaths are more creative. Is that true? 

Unfortunately, if you think you're an Empath but do not fit into these stereotypes, you might not seek the help you need to understand and protect this important aspect of you.  When you don't know how to turn it on and off, you can run out of energy pretty quickly. Suddenly, you end up super exhausted and unable to keep doing the good you want to do in the world. 

Let's just go ahead and keep that from happening, okay? 

It's time to bust some of the most ridiculous myths about being an Empath: 

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