Why Empaths go beyond the point of burnout - and how to take care so you don't!
Be Inspired Tara Meyer-Robson Be Inspired Tara Meyer-Robson

Why Empaths go beyond the point of burnout - and how to take care so you don't!

✔️Do you feel guilty when you need to shut down for a while?

✔️Are you sometimes not even able to respond to a text, because that is energy you just don't have?

✔️Do you feel weird or weak when you need to hide in your room for a while - or a whole weekend - because you simply cannot take one more bit of stimulation?

✔️Is it almost impossible for you to stop helping, even when you KNOW you are on the way to burn out (or are already there)?

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Being sensitive is strong. Own that you are an empathic badass.
Be Fearless, Be Confident, Be Inspired Tara Meyer-Robson Be Fearless, Be Confident, Be Inspired Tara Meyer-Robson

Being sensitive is strong. Own that you are an empathic badass.

There isn't an empath that doesn't bear the scars of the many horrible things we've been called. Of course, because we truly DO feel everything and we truly DO take everything to heart, this can impact us at such a deep level that we take their perspective on who we are as truth. Because of that, we try to hide the depth of our feelings, and we shove the pain we are sensing deep down within. And, we often get sick from this - powerful emotions have a tendency to make us sick if we try to deny them after all.

It's time to stop feeling shame because you feel so much. It's time to stop feeling like you are weak because you care.

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As an empath, you feel the emotions of the world as your own.
Be Inspired Tara Meyer-Robson Be Inspired Tara Meyer-Robson

As an empath, you feel the emotions of the world as your own.

One of the most difficult and debilitating things about being an empath is that you feel other's emotions as your own; it can be extremely difficult to be able to tell whether it's your emotion you're feeling or others emotions from around you.

You'll also notice that there are times when you wake up and just feel amped, worried, anxious, and on high alert. There won't be anything in your immediate world that's particularly disturbing, so it's hard to figure out why in the world you feel so "off."

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